Sunny Skies Bring Thousands to Albany’s Larkfest! (VIDEO)

The annual Larkfest in Albany was a big hit again this year.  Crowds estimated to be around 60-80,000 attended the “largest one day street fair in New York State outside of New York City.”  Food, music, vendors of all kinds and an air of a street party made this a great Saturday in our Capital City!

And we were there!

lark crowd 1

lark cropwd 2We even caught one pretty young girl trying out the Canadian favorite poutine at the food truck mall!  We think she liked it!  (french fries, gravy and cheese curds).

lark poutineAll kinds of food were at the ready for the thousands of hungry festival goers!

lark food 1

lark food 2

lark crowd smoke

About "Big Chuck"

Hi folks, this is "Big Chuck" here. I love Upstate New York! I have written several books about the region, do a lot of public speaking around the state, am an award-winning radio broadcaster (since 1989), write a bi-monthly newspaper column and give walking tours of Cooperstown, N.Y. Yes, I do keep busy! I hope we can share some Upstate stories on this blog! If you would like to take a look at my series of Upstate New York books visit
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