The 4th annual GlassFest is a four-day celebration of glass and the fire arts in the Crystal City, featuring live hot glass shows, artist demonstrations, neon sculpture at night, live music and entertainment, and shopping & dining.
The festival kicks off on Thursday, May 23rd at The Corning Museum of Glass for a special edition 2300˚ celebration and continues through the weekend with outdoor live glassmaking, wine and craft beer tastings, live artists demos throughout the downtown and a variety of activities and promotions for the whole family!
Thousands will attend this annual celebration of glass in Corning. Street vendors, food specialties, live music and craft bazaars are among the hallmarks of this popular event. Grammy-nominee Jamie O’Neal will be a featured performer.
Many of Corning’s business owners have videotaped greetings to the masses heading their way. Here is one from one of the oldest restaurants in Corning!
Where: Corning, N.Y. (Steuben County)
When: May 23-26, 2013