Ithaca Kicks Off Summer With a Celtic Festival!


This annual festival brings together Celts and people of similar origin and like mind to celebrate their history and culture. Founded in 2008 as an annual event held on the last weekend in June, the Ithaca Celtic Festival is raising the flag over our ‘gorges’ city of Ithaca, NY, inviting all who love a good outdoor event to join together. 

The Ithaca Celtic Festival celebrates competitions in bagpiping, athletics and dance, but also Celtic culture and history as well.  The festival this year includes their newest demonstration in its second year called “Waulking of the Tweed.”  Other activities include: sheep-shearing, wool-spinning and kilt-making demonstrations, Clan booths, Celtic foods and crafts, all weekend activities for children including the annual clan scavenger hunt, Irish step-dancing and lessons, Gaelic lessons, a wellness tent that showcases Ithaca’s alternative medical scene, historical re-enactors, and possibly a scene or two from the Ithaca Shakespeare Company.


What: Ithaca Celtic Fesxtival

Where:  Stewart Park, Ithaca

When:  June 28-29-2014


About "Big Chuck"

Hi folks, this is "Big Chuck" here. I love Upstate New York! I have written several books about the region, do a lot of public speaking around the state, am an award-winning radio broadcaster (since 1989), write a bi-monthly newspaper column and give walking tours of Cooperstown, N.Y. Yes, I do keep busy! I hope we can share some Upstate stories on this blog! If you would like to take a look at my series of Upstate New York books visit
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