For a Bloomin’ Good Time It’s Cortland’s Bloom Festival!

flickr soekfoto

flickr soekfoto

The site of this 3rd annual event will be between the County Office Building gymnasium and the Cortland Corset Building. These two locations, two blocks apart, will be connected with an Art and Bike Trail, acting as a connective corridor (the road will be closed to vehicle traffic).

Local businesses and organizations will showcase the important work they do and services/products they provide at the County Office Building gymnasium. The Cortland Blooms Festival showcasing the unique work of artisans, vendors of local products, musicians and artists, will take place at the Cortland Corset Building. This event is free and open to all ages.

Cortland Blooms also presents Cortland’s first annual Green Fair where local businesses and organizations will showcase the important work they do and services/products they provide, taking place at the County Office Building gymnasium.

The 3rd Annual Cortland Blooms Festival showcasing the unique work of artisans, vendors of local products, musicians and artists, will take place at the Cortland Corset Building.  Cortland Blooms is part of Sustainability Month, sponsored by SUNY Cortland.  Sustainability Month encompasses numerous events, both on and off campus.


Where: Downtown Cortland, NY

When: Sunday, April 21

Time: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.


About "Big Chuck"

Hi folks, this is "Big Chuck" here. I love Upstate New York! I have written several books about the region, do a lot of public speaking around the state, am an award-winning radio broadcaster (since 1989), write a bi-monthly newspaper column and give walking tours of Cooperstown, N.Y. Yes, I do keep busy! I hope we can share some Upstate stories on this blog! If you would like to take a look at my series of Upstate New York books visit
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